Renggong Horse

Renggong Horse 

Renggong is one of the typical art Sundanese (West Java), which show horse that can be danced. Above the horse usually sits a newly circumcised boy or a public figure. The word metathesis of ronggeng, Renggong is the meaning of dance movement with rhythmic swing (foot steps) followed by head movement and neck. Art  Renggong horses previously called because it can "Igel" (dance) is said to grow and develop in the village community Cikurubuk, Buah dua, District Sumedang. At that time (around 1880's) there was a boy named Sipan is the habit of observing the behavior of his own horses called the Cengek and the Dengkek. From his observations, he concluded that the horse can be trained to follow the movements desired by human.

Next, he began to train the Cengek and the Dengkek to perform movements such as running transversely (adean), motion run to the edge as of chicken in heat (beger), but a quick short steps (torolong), walking quickly (derep or jogrog), leg movements such as half-running (dog running away), and the rapid motion of the front foot and simultaneously (gallop) like an ordinary motion carried by racehorses. Methods used to train the horse to want to perform these movements is to hold the reins of a horse and whip back to the music that is played. Exercises performed for three consecutive months until the horse becomes accustomed to hear the musical accompaniment and each he would dance with self-acting. Saw Sipan success in training his horses 'ngarenggong' made Prince Aria Atmadja Surya, who was serving as regent Sumedang be interested and instructed to train his horses imported directly from the island of Sumbawa. And, of training horses owned by Prince Aryan Surya Atmadja Sipan is finally known as the creator of the later development of art renggong. Horse art Renggong not only spread to other areas in the District of Sumedang, but also to other districts in Java West, such as Bandung and Purwakarta district. Apart from spreading to some areas, this art is also experiencing growth, both in quality and waditra game and the songs are played. In the District of Sumedang quality horse games Renggong measured by the standards of Sumedang Horse Association. which is divided into three classes, namely: 

(1) good quality horses and was a champion in horse festival Renggong county level; 
(2) the quality of horses mid-level (the quality of the market / market orders yet), and 
(3) horse Renggong are still learning (new horse). 

Renggong horse players generally are adult men who are members of a group consisting of: a group leader (the trigger), some players waditra, and one or two player martial arts. These players are the ones who have special skills, in both dancing and playing waditra. Specific skills that need to be owned by any player because in a show horse that is collective Renggong needed a solid team for all the dance moves that can be played in tune with the music played by the players and Equipment art waditra. Renggong horse is generally shown at the event : circumcision, welcoming great room, the village chief's inauguration, independence day celebrations and so forth. Usually carried out during the day and around the village. The duration of a horse staging Renggong usually takes a long time, depending on whether or not village area who will gone around. Tools used in the game Renggong horse is: 

(1) one to four horses that have been trained and equipment consisting of: between (a place to sit or equestrian equipment), seser (bandage a horse's head), sanggawedi (footrests for the rider), apis tail (rope barrier between the connected to the base of the ponytail), eles (rope wheel horse), kadali (iron that is placed on the horse's mouth to tie the reins), ebeg (decoration between), sebrak (layer beneath the horse's back is not interrupted for cuts / abrasions), and carriage (belt strapped to the abdomen as a brace between the horses that are not easily separated from the horse's back); 

(2) waditra set consisting of: two large drums (drums and percussion ovarian children), a trumpet, two percussion rack (bonang), a bajidor, two gongs (large and small), a set of kecrek, Genjring, and fly or trays; and 

(3) fashion Renggong horse players that can be divided into two parts, namely clothing pengrawit interpreter (wiyaga) and fashion players silat (pengatik). Clothing pengrawit interpreter consists of: dress blue uniforms and berstrip white long sleeves, long pants, headgear iket loher, and sandals. While fashion silat players comprising: pangsi black pants, headgear iket loher, and colored cloth red belts .Renggong Horse riding begins with words of welcome by the committee intent. After that, then children who have been circumcised or community leaders who will welcome to ride horses paraded Renggong. Furthermore, accompaniment instrument sounded with a rendition of Flower and Flower red Gadung a rhythmic dynamic as a sign of the start of the show. 

Once the child is ready to be paraded, then the leader (the trigger) will start giving the cue for the player silat (pengatik) and the horse began to make movements dance simultaneously and in parallel. The dance is usually played by a fighter with such Renggong horse is a dance "fights" that took place between them, which include: movement of a horse standing on his hind legs. While the front leg moves like claw fighter, the movements as if stepping on belly fighters, fighter stepping on the head movement using the front foot, and movements of fighters in action around the horse's back. For the record, the movements made by the horse is not so high as in the back there is a child who was circumcised or rude on. While officials, the songs played by the wiyaga to accompany the dances are usually taken from the arts Jaipong, ketuk tilu, and Joged such as: Paris Wado, Rayak-rayak, botol kecap, garing, Song of Songs, Titipatipa, Gondang, Kasreng, Gurudugan, Mapay Roko, Flower gadung, Kangsring, Fruit Kawung, Gondang, Tenggong Petit, Sesenggehan, Badudud,  tunggul Kawing ,  Sireum Beureum, Manuk Dadali, Adem Ayem, Leaf Puspa, Solempang Koneng, Reumis Janari, Pulus leaves, and the song Interlude (Siyur, Tepang Sono, awet rajet, salira , madu dan racun, pemda idaman, Goyang Dombret, Warudoyong etc.). Renggong horse show is done as they circled the village or the village, until finally returning to its original place. After that, the event was held saweran preceded by the reading of prayers led by the interpreter Sawer (nyawer expert) with offerings that include: rice cone (Congcot), roast beef, roast chicken (bakakak), a coconut shell containing one liter of rice, sliced ​​turmeric, and candy. And, after the event saweran performed with a coin and sprinkled white rice, then the show was end. Art value culture as an expression of the human spirit. Of course, contain aesthetic value, including traditional art Renggong horse that was developed by the grown-Cikurubuk, Sumedang District. However, when examined in depth horse Renggong contains not only the aesthetic value alone, but there are other values ​​that in turn can be used as reference in everyday life for the community of supporters. These values ​​include cooperation, solidarity, order, perseverance dam. The value of the cooperation seen together in preserving the cultural heritage of his predecessors. Compactness and order value is reflected in a staging that can run smoothly. The value of hard work and diligence is reflected in the mastery of dance movements.

source : various source

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